Foren / Allocatus Forum (English) / Could not resolve email address of user Domain\User

Could not resolve email address of user Domain\User

2 Beiträge, 1 beantwortet
  1. user
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    09 Aug 2015
    11 Aug 2015
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    We have installed and configured Allocatus Server together with Exchange Server and are expecting that Allocatus Server sends the Permission Manager E-Mail to each user. When we check the diagnostic log we saw the following error message:

    Could not resolve email address of user Domain\User.

    Zuletzt bearbeitet am 18 Mai 2016 19:05 von aniko.erlinger
  2. admin
    admin avatar
    209 Beiträge
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    09 Aug 2015
    11 Aug 2015 als Antwort auf user
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    Allocatus Server uses the Active Directory to find the e-mail address of user that has been added for the synchronization. It uses the account configured in Allocatus Server Configuration under Connections/Exchange Server, e.g. Use a specific user account to access the Domain Controller (DC) with Global Catalog (GC) of the server's domain.

    In case the account does not have permission to access to the domain of the Exchange Server with the user's mailbox the lookup fails. For that reason make sure that you use an account of the Exchange Server's domain to access it. Please also make sure the GC can access the domain of the mailbox users with the forest, e.g. has the required trust.

    If this is already the case and you still experience the issue, please write down the following parameters and contact our support team: 

    1. Windows Server on which Allocatus Server is installed is member of domain
    2. Exchange Server which hosts the mailboxes is member of domain
    3. Account with Exchange mailbox used to access Exchange Server configured in
    4. Allocatus Server Configuration is member of domain
    5. Accounts of mailbox users are member of domain
    6. Trust level of all involved domains
2 Beiträge, 1 beantwortet
