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How to link Microsoft Project to Outlook for task reminders

2 Beiträge, 1 beantwortet
  1. user
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    04 Okt 2020
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    how can I link MS Project to Outlook so that I get reminders for upcoming task?

  2. admin
    admin avatar
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    04 Okt 2020 als Antwort auf user
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    we support multiple ways to achieve this:

    1. The project manager assigns a task in MS Project to you and you get it as appointment, event or task added to your calendar
    2. The project manager assigns a task one of your team members and you get their tasks as all day events into your calendar
    3. You open the Gantt chart in SharePoint/Microsoft Teams select the task and link to your Outlook
    4. Someone opens the schedule in SharePoint/Microsoft Teams selects on ore more tasks. Then selects your name or a distribution list where you a member of and it gets pushed into your calendar
    Zuletzt bearbeitet am 04 Okt 2020 16:10 von admin
2 Beiträge, 1 beantwortet
